Explore Your True Potential. Let's Transform Lives.

We are a Global Consciousness hub providing cutting edge tools and mindful solutions for all those wanting to bring a change and new perspective to life.

We provide overall wellness and upliftment in all 4 areas of your life be it – Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual. Awaken yourself.

Our Services

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In our services, the first thing we look into is your food - things that you feed your body with and your diet - food that you eat as a habit on a daily basis.

Many times most of us eat only those things which were introduced to us in our childhood without realising that some of them make our body sick, cause inflammation or skin problems. When we get ill we look int outside factors rather than looking into what we put inside.

It’s not a joke when we say “you are what you eat”. Healthy food means food that stops you from getting sick and keeps you living stronger. Food that can heal your body and provide you with all the nutrients supporting you in being happy.

We will also look into different aspects of your life to find out what triggers are creating your current unhealthy diet and choices and which you may not be aware of. Some of them you may not be able to control yet, but there are those, that you can take charge of!

Our Services

Food is the first step in moving from illness to wellness! Making small changes can massively improve your wellbeing.

You will find out that changing your diet, doesn’t mean eating salad or carrots only

We integrate nutritional knowledge with ancient energy healing modalities like Naturopathy, Colour Therapy and new energy tools like EFT, Reiki and ABC.

As a result you will find yourself (and your family) feeling more joyful, energised and light!

For those who would like to dive deeper into the consciousness of their thoughts, beliefs, emotions we offer different wellness programs at Empezar Wellness guided by the light of Ms Sidra Jafri.

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Food is part of our life and it can be difficult to change your habits. You have been eating certain meals in a specific way without realising how that may be affecting your health.

Food that you eat can be your medicine but also it can be your poison. Poor diet not only affects your functions, your hormones, your immune system, skeleton but every cell in your body! It can cause inflammation, skin rashes or some chronic diseases.

Eating nutritious, balanced and healthy meals is one of the key ingredients of improving your health, boosting your immune system, healing skin problems and many more!

We will help you to find out which foods, in what quantity and at what time is helping you to heal your body.

During the course, step by step, our Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach will help you making healthy eating choices and habits part of your lifestyle based on the information you provide in the health history form and understanding your daily routine.

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You will be given a variety of foods to choose from! We will also share some tasty recipes if you would like to prepare your own meals or experiment with colours and flavours!

We will also look into your sleep patterns and exercise routine to support you on your journey to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

You will see how much fun it is to take charge of your health!

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

EFT is commonly known as tapping. EFT has been used to anxiety, stress, depression pain, even cravings any other uncomfortable feelings.

It was derived from the technique called Thought Field Therapy (TFT) (developed by American psychologist Roger Callahan). In his work he combined both modern psychopathy with Eastern western medicine and ancient Chinese involving acupressure and acupuncture on meridian points connected to different internal organs. Each connection ends at a specific point on the skin's surface. It is believed that applying pressure on the meridian points removes blockages and allows the energy to flow bringing health and restoring the physical health. Callahan adapted the above to treat the psychological issues. His knowledge and experience in kinesiology allowed him to explore the connection between the muscle response and meridian points while addressing physical or emotional challenges.

There are many reports of successful application of EFT in treating emotional, health or performance blockages. It often works where nothing else does.

Tapping is generally done with two fingers on specific points on your face, body and hand. It only takes few minutes to change your mood!

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ABC (Access Body Consciousness)

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We believe that your body is a storehouse of information that is the basis of your choices, beliefs, purpose or even thoughts. That hidden information ignored for a long time can be the cause of many illnesses.

Access Body Consciousness teaches you how to decode that message..

ABC is a system that is a result of more than 18000 hours of research and observation of human behaviour and working with various techniques like Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki, Energetic NLP, Divine Healing, Access Consciousness, Matrix Reimprinting, Future Life Progression (FLP) and many other latest cutting edge tools that Sidra Jafri used while studying and practicing as Hypnotherapist and Awakening Facilitator.

The real change happens when you use ABC consistently on a daily basis and integrate it as part of who you are.


Reiki is a form of energy healing developed by Japanese Buddhist - Mikao Usui in early 1900. It is based on the principle that our mind, physical body and emotional well-being is controlled by an invisible energy. The word Reiki comes from 2 Japanese words: ‘rei’ - universal and ‘ki’ - vital force energy that flows through. It is not connected to any religion or culture. This technique is used all over the world, also in places like hospices and hospitals!

When the energy flows freely it makes us feel alive and happy, but when there’s a blockage - the energy flow is low. It creates illness, one can often get sick or stressed easily. The blockage can be created by our negative thinking, unhealed trauma or even food!

In Reiki, the practitioner focuses on the whole person (mind, emotions, body and spirit). It is a simple and natural way of energy healing and self-empowerment and balancing the mind, body, emotions and the spirit. It can be used by anyone!

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“I decided to connect with EZR Wellness team because I needed help with my health and emotions. I have put on weight in the last year and I was feeling constantly sad, unhappy, tired and I was suffering from water retention. I was feeling a lot of anger and I was throwing it at people around me. Conversations and support of the EZR Wellness team and Mrs Taneja helped me to release it. As a result I have shed more than 9kg, I started exercising and cooking with more awareness. Life seems to be good, the sun is shining and I feel more energetic and excited to be alive. Thank you for all the love and support"


"l am thankful to Mrs Taneja and EZR Wellness team for mentoring and guiding with a holistic approach, both with regard to my health and emotional wellbeing. My diet plan and the step by step implementation has helped to reduce my insulin by 10 units and my walking activity has increased, from 1 km to 3.5 km! l am feeling younger with more positive energy. l am grateful for showing me the path to a new life."


"It was a great experience. Mrs. Taneja made sure to follow up each week and kept track of all the changes that took place in my health. Her diet was easy to follow and consisted of everyday things that are easily available at home. I would highly recommend this plan for a healthy living".


I want to begin by thanking Mrs. Taneja for not just being my wellness coach but also for shifting my by own understanding of how I look at health and fitness. Her intuitiveness, ability to provide a comforting environment and non judgemental outlook in her engagement also require a special mention that have allowed me share my concerns and struggles with ease. In short - Mrs. T has changed my life in the best possible ways and for that I will be forever grateful and humbled. Thanks Mrs. T, you're a rockstar".



  • Expert professional guidance during the 6 months program
  • Bespoke plan catered to your health goals
  • Support in identifying challenges and finding holistic solutions to resolve the issues
  • Support in improving the quality of overall lifestyle through small sustainable changes
  • Regular journaling, review and reporting to stay focused on the goal.

© 2021 - Empezar